Friday, February 7, 2014

Hello :)

Last Friday, I traveled to Dubuque, Iowa to Sundown Mountain Ski Resort for the Student Activities Ski Trip. It was a lot of fun, and I did not fall once while I was skiing. I enjoyed catching up with friends, experiencing new slopes, and eating good pizza.
Felicia and I in the lodge
On Saturday I needed to get a paper done as well as my friend Anna. We traveled down to the Cedar Rapids Public Library to write away. We love going to this library to get a change of scenery and check out new books. We finally got library cards and we were extremely excited; took a picture of it.
Anna and I with our new cards

This past week has been keeping me busy with readings. I am doing research with a Neuroscience Professor and taking a seminar class, so I am constantly reading articles. So far most of them have been very interesting, so I can't complain. But, good luck this weekend to all scholars coming for Scholarship Weekend!

Nina :)

1 comment:

  1. Amazing way of presenting the thinking. Keep it up and thanks for sharing.
